7 Tips and Products for a Hormonal Acne Skin Care Routine That Work

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7 Tips and Products for a Hormonal Acne Skin Care Routine That Work

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If you thought acne only happened in your teens, you may be surprised to learn that it can happen in your 20s and later. Hormonal acne is very common in people in their 20s, which is often when they are most likely to have children. During this time, your hormones are more likely to go through big changes, and you may get acne at the same time every month. Even though hormonal acne can be annoying, it's completely normal, and you can calm and clear your face with the right skincare routine.

What Is Horomonal Acne?

You probably have hormonal acne if you get certain types of pimples around the time of your period or at other times in your cycle. Hormonal acne happens when hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are out of balance. It's caused by your hormones, so it comes and goes in cycles that usually line up with your menstrual cycle. It can also be caused by other changes in hormones, like acne after giving birth or acne during menopause.

Most of the time, this kind of acne is caused by changes in estrogen and progesterone. During the monthly cycle, these two hormones change a lot. How much of each hormone you have can also affect how much testosterone you have, which can cause acne.

There are a few key ways to tell if your acne is caused by hormones. When acne shows up around your jaw and chin, it's a clear sign that it's caused by hormones. Most of the time, it will show up as red, swollen acne anywhere on your lower face. It can also show up on the side of your face, down your neck, or on your back, chest, or shoulders.

Hormonal acne tends to come and go, so if you have breakouts around the same time every month, it's possible that you have it. It will also usually show up every month in the same place. And if you're really stressed out, the stress hormone cortisol changes all of your other hormones, which can make your acne get worse.

This type of acne also leads to cysts that are deeper and hurt more than blackheads and whiteheads. This is likely because your pores are clogged up by too much oil. These cysts are larger bumps under the skin's surface that can't be removed by pulling them out by hand. Most of the time, they are tender because they have built up oil over days or weeks, which causes inflammation.

7 Horomonal Acne Skin Care Tips & Products

1. Switch to non-pore Clogging Ingredients

No one with acne, whether caused by hormones or not, should ever use items that block pores. People think that clogged pores cause acne, so it's important to use the right items. Here is a list of ingredients that can clog pores and should be avoided in skin care, makeup, and hair care products. Remember that "natural" and "organic" do not mean that a product is good for acne, and if you have acne, you must check the list of ingredients.

2. Use an Ice Roller In The Morning And Night

Since hormonal acne is caused by inflammation, using an ice roller on your breakouts can feel like heaven. They make the face less red and irritated and provide much-needed relief. By making the blood vessels smaller, they help with pain and reduce swelling. Ice rollers help your skin's blood flow, which gives you a healthy glow, and they also help your skincare products get deeper into your skin. Use your face roller in the morning and at night. Roll it all over your face, but focus on the spots where you're getting pimples.

3. Use a Vitamin C Serum

If you deal with hormonal acne, you likely have scarring as well.  One of the best things you can use for acne scars is a cream with Vitamin C Serum. Vitamin C Serum is a powerful vitamin that helps your body make more collagen. Collagen gives your skin its structure and is essential for building up healthy skin. Vitamin C also brightens the skin, which can help reduce hyperpigmentation and spots.

4. Use Sunscreen Daily

Everyone should wear SPF every day, but people with acne-prone skin should do so more often. Acne-prone skin is more sensitive and red than other skin, and the sun's rays can make hyperpigmentation and scars stand out more and last longer. Many sunscreens do cause breakouts, but this Paula's Choice lotion with SPF 50 doesn't block pores and protects against UVA and UVB damage. It's made with antioxidants, and you should put it on every day as the last step in your skincare process for soft, healthy skin.

5. Eat Probiotics Food

You should eat a lot of probiotic foods like kimchi, cabbage, tempeh, coconut kefir, miso, and kombucha. You should eat them every day because they are great for your gut and help your digestive system. Probiotics are good bacteria that may help stop acne by reducing inflammation caused by an increase in hormones. They also fight bacteria and improve the microbiome of the skin.

6. Use Micellar Water to Cleanse

The Bioderma Micellar Water is one of the most gentle ways to clean your face or remove makeup. It's great for acne-prone, sensitive skin because it doesn't have any oil, alcohol, or chemicals. It cleans and calms your skin without drying it out or making it feel uncomfortable. It takes off your makeup so easily and won't bother your eyes. Use it in the morning and at night, and splash your face with water afterward to get rid of any leftovers.

7. Try a Salicylic Acid Exfoliant

Salicylic acid is a well-known agent for getting rid of acne because it exfoliates the skin, gets rid of buildup, and keeps the pores clear. It does this by breaking down dead skin cells that block pores, speeding up the turnover of skin cells, and getting deep into pores to clean out dirt, oil, and other messes. It also helps acne heal faster by making pimples and pustules that are red and swollen go away faster. The Paula's Choice 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant has become a cult favorite because it is very soft and makes the skin look younger and fresher.

If you’re dealing with hormonal acne, try these tips and products to start healing from the inside out!

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