What you MUST know about 10 shocking food ingredients before your next trip to the grocery store

Health Fitness Zone

 What you MUST know about 10 shocking food ingredients before your next trip to the grocery store

Food is the main thing that gives you energy and keeps you healthy. What you eat and drink is important. It seems like trying to eat healthy should be easy, but food companies lie so much that it's hard to know what's healthy and what isn't.

As you walk down the aisles of your local food store, you see thousands of subtle ways to sell things. Food companies want you to buy their goods, so they work hard to make you think their food is healthier than it really is.

You see goods with big labels that say "Organic," "No Trans Fats," "All Natural," "Gluten Free," "Fat Free," and a lot of other words that sound healthy. People don't always realise that the things they buy are bad for their health. You could think, "It's organic, so it must be healthy." Sadly, that does not always happen.

The sooner you figure out that food companies don't care about you, the better. Food companies don't care about how healthy you are. They are looking to make money. Companies change how they market their products to keep up with customer trends and needs, but they might not change much about how they process and make food. Also, they will go out of their way to hide ingredients that are bad for you.

Worse still, the FDA lets this happen. They also let in a lot of food chemicals that are known to be very bad for your health. Want to hear something else that's crazy? Chemical contaminants, like rocket fuel, don't have to be mentioned by the FDA either.


There are so many dangerous food additives whose names are confusing to people who don't know what they are. When you know this, the grocery store becomes a minefield instead of a place to get food and stay healthy. You don't know what you or your family are putting in their bodies or giving them. It's no wonder this country has so many serious health problems.

Even if you shop in the organic, natural, or whole foods area of your local grocery store, you still need to be careful. There are a lot of better options in these areas, but there are also a lot of highly processed foods that aren't as healthy as you might think. When you buy prepared foods, you need to be very careful. Pay close attention to the signs.


Here are 10 things you should watch out for:

1.Sodium Nitrate: Sodium Nitrate is an ingredient that is used to keep food from going bad. It is in deli foods, hot dogs, bacon, and other processed meats. Studies have shown that sodium nitrate can cause heart disease, diabetes, cancer, nerve diseases, and stomach problems. If you eat meat, stick to fresh meats that are lean and limit or avoid foods that have sodium nitrate in them.

2. Azodicarbonamide: This is an industrial material that is used to make synthetic leather and rubber. It makes things foamy, so at some point, someone thought it would be a good idea to put it in bread to make it soft. It is also used to bleach flour made from grains. Even though the FDA says there isn't enough study to know if this chemical in food is dangerous, it has been banned in Europe and Australia. The World Health Organisation and the CDC say not to eat it because it can cause breathing problems, skin irritation, and eye irritation. Other sources say that eating this chemical can hurt the way hormones and the immune system work.

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3. High fructose corn syrup: Despite the corn industry's best efforts to make us think otherwise, high fructose corn syrup is NOT a natural food; it is made in a lot of ways. It is also different from natural sugar, and the body doesn't use it the same way. Given that, and the fact that there is a lot of high fructose corn syrup in our food that we don't know about, it poses a lot of health risks. High fructose corn syrup has been linked to obesity, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, liver disease, and heart disease. Food companies now list it as fructose or fructose juice on ingredient labels because they know people are looking for it. It still has the same dangerous ingredient in high amounts, but it has a new name that is meant to trick you.


4. BHT (butyl hydroxytoluene)

Butyl hydroxytoluene, or BHT, is a man-made chemical that is used to keep foods and products fresh. It slows down the natural process of oxidation, which keeps food and beauty products from going bad. If you look at the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for this drug, it says very clearly that it is poisonous. But it's in the food we eat! Animal cancer has been linked by studies to BHT. "They" say that low doses of BHT are fine, but high doses are not. However, BHT is in a lot of foods, so how do you know what is a high dose and what is a low dose? And does it get worse over time?

5. Enriched flour: Enriched flour is basically flour that has been stripped chemically and physically of all its fibre and nutrients, and then a small amount of those nutrients have been added back in. This means that the food has almost no nutritional value at all. Foods made with enriched flour are not handled the same way by your body because they have been over-processed and stripped of nutrients. They turn into sugar right away and cause spikes in blood sugar and insulin. This causes a lot of health problems, like a higher chance of getting type 2 diabetes, damaged blood vessels, high blood pressure, and a higher chance of getting some cancers. You may be used to how white breads and flours feel and taste, but it's better for your health to switch to real whole grains.

6. Soybean oil: The soybean has been thought of as a healthy food for a long time, and it is often used in place of animal nutrition. Unluckily, soy and soy oil are also linked to a number of health problems. One big problem is that the bean is often mass-produced with lots of chemicals that can cause cancer and are changed genetically. Soy and soy oil can cause inflammation, stomach problems, allergies, and problems with absorbing nutrients and protein. The oil is also partly hydrogenated, which makes it a trans-fat, which is bad for your health in many ways. If you choose soy, look for organic, non-GMO soy.

7. MSG: MSG is a spice that is added to many foods in the US to make them taste better. You probably know that MSG is bad for your health unless you've been living under a rock for the past few decades. It can cause weight gain, headaches, damage to the eyes, sickness, and other health issues. There are different reports about the short-term and long-term effects of MSG, but many people are sensitive to it. With all the unknowns and signs that it could be bad for your health, it's best to cut it out of your diet.

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8. Yellow #5 (tartrazine): Yellow #5 is a food product that gives yellow colour to many foods. Several health issues have been linked by studies to this additive. Some of these are allergic reactions, hyperactivity, a low number of sperm, and the chance of getting cancer. Pay attention to this and other food colouring additives, as many of them are linked to health problems.

9. Propylene glycol alginate: Propylene glycol is often added to food and is also one of the main ingredients in antifreeze. Researchers have come to different conclusions about the health risks of this food additive. Some studies have shown that brain problems, kidney and liver diseases, and respiratory and heart diseases all come with risks. There is no conclusive proof because different studies have come to different conclusions. Is it worth taking the risk while the researchers figure it out?

Polysorbate 60: Polysorbate 60 is a thickener that is often used in food and beauty products. Even though there isn't much known about this chemical substance, some of its parts have been linked to cancer and fertility problems.

The easiest way to stay away from these scary ingredients is:

The scary thing is that the chemicals and compounds on this list are just a few of the many dangerous ones that can be found in packed foods. To be truly healthy, you have to avoid these dangerous additives and know what you (and your family) are putting into your bodies.

Focusing on whole foods is one of the best ways to stay away from these things. If you eat both meat and plants, buy fresh fruits and veggies and unprocessed meats and fish. Green smoothies are also a great way to start eating lots of healthy, whole fruits and veggies without having to worry about how they taste. Not only that, but the nutrients in green smoothies can help fix any damage that these secret chemicals have already done. Smoothies are cheap, easy to make, and easy to take with you. They are a great way to eat healthy food on the go and in general.

Watch my FREE lecture below to find out how people all over the world are using this simple information to lose weight, make huge improvements to their health, and feel better than they ever thought possible.

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