5 best exercise to get rid of belly fat

Health Fitness Zone

 5 best exercise to get rid of belly fat

Stomach fat. Eek! Many of us find it hard to deal with. Before we had kids, our bellies were flat and toned. BUT DON'T WORRY! With these 5 best workouts to lose belly fat, you can get your abs back and blast away that belly fat. To shape those obliques, all you need is a lot of determination, a healthy diet, and to know which workouts work best.

We'll show you 5 of the best ways to lose belly fat in this piece.

5 of the best exercise to burn belly fat

It's very important to point out that you can't just lose fat in one place. That is, you can't just train your abs and expect to get a great six-pack right away.

The best way to lose weight is to work out and take care of your whole body.

But when you mix targeted training (like the 5 exercises below) with a healthy diet plan like the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge Meal Plan and cardio (like HIIT, Tabata, and DanceFit), you'll start to see a flatter, more defined stomach.

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1. Plank with Ball Roll

Starting Position: Get into a plank with your feet far apart and your arms right under your shoulders. Put a ball under the hand on your right side. Keep your upper body strong and work your core while keeping your back straight.

Execution: Engage your core by pulling your belly button towards your spine. Roll the ball to your left, cupping it with your left hand and putting your right hand down on the mat. Next, roll the ball back to your right hand. Keep your core and lower back strong and stable as you drop your left arm to the floor and return to the starting position. Repeat exercise.

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2. Bicycle 

Starting Position: Start by lying on your back with your head and neck at ease and your arms at your sides. You should bend your knees and lift your legs up. Bring your knees closer to your chest and stretch out your right leg. This is where you'll start.

Execution: Lift your left leg up towards your chest and stretch your right leg by pulling your belly button towards the floor. To change sides, pull your right leg towards your chest and stretch your left leg out. During the whole movement, breathe in and out. Keep alternating your legs in a "riding" action.

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3. Roll-ups

Starting Position: Start in a flat back position with your hands facing down and your fingers pointing forward. Put your arms up and your lower back down firmly on the floor. Stretch out from your knees and use your core muscles.

Execution: Take a deep breath in and slowly lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the ground. Then let out your breath as you pull your belly button towards the floor, round your back, and lift your arms overhead and towards your feet as you slowly roll up to a sitting position. Inhale and then release as you roll down through each vertebra back to the floor, keeping your feet pressed into the mat.

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4. Single leg raise 

Starting Position: Start by lying on your back on the floor with your arms by your sides and your legs spread out. Bend your left knee and put your left foot flat on the floor a few inches away from your body. Straighten your right leg and hold it 1 inch off the floor. This is where you'll start.

Execution: Exhale and slowly lift your right leg up until it's in line with your left knee. Keep your right knee straight and your left foot flat on the floor. Relaxing your head and neck on the floor, slowly lower your right leg until it is just an inch off the floor. Do the exercise for 30 seconds, and then do it for another 30 seconds on the other leg.

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5. Pilates Abdominal Swing 

Starting Position: Start in a flat back position with your legs spread out like a table and your hands under your thighs.

Execution: Take a deep breath in and pull your knees up to your chest. Exhale, lift your head and upper body, and roll slightly forward while stretching your legs. Repeat exercise.

Working out to get rid of belly fat and tone your ab muscles

High-intensity interval training (HIIT), which includes movements like sit-ups, reverse crunches, and mountain climbers, can help you get a flat stomach.

If you want to lose fat all over your body, a good cardio workout will help you raise your heart rate, work up a sweat, and burn belly fat if you do exercises that focus on your abs.

Get your body moving and work your lower body muscles to help flatten your stomach and get rid of belly fat.

You also need to do workouts that focus on your left side, right side, and back, in addition to your stomach. Also, don't forget to warm up so you don't hurt yourself.

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